From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using Quick Leader (QLEADER) in your drawings

Using Quick Leader (QLEADER) in your drawings - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Using Quick Leader (QLEADER) in your drawings

- [Instructor] We're staying in our MetalPlate_002.DWG file, and you'll remember in our dimension style, when we set it up, we set up a Leader arrowhead, didn't we? We changed it to a dot. Now that's normally used for what is known as the Q Leader command, the Quick Leader command. Now in more modern versions of AutoCAD people tend to use the Multileaders, which are these ones here on the Leaders panel on the annotate tab, on the ribbon. The Quick Leader command is slightly old technology but it's still useful. It's a bit like single-line text and multi-line text. Single-line text is great for a single line of text. Multi-line text is great for an area of text. Q Leader is great for just that one-off Leader that you need to place, whereas Multileaders are great for placing more than one Leader in your AutoCAD drawing, we'll cover Multileaders in a little while. Let's have a look at Q Leader though, we're going to zoom…
