From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using Move and Copy

Using Move and Copy

- [Instructor] We're staying in our office layout .dwg file and we're going to take a quick look at the move and copy commands available to you in AutoCAD. Now we're going to move some furniture around and place it in the little office layout here on the left. Now you'll notice on the modify panel, on the home tab on the ribbon, we have move and copy up here but you don't need to use those ones. What you can do is you can actually use move and copy on the shortcut menu and it tends to be a little bit quicker. So I'm going to select the desk here like so, and I'm not going to use the little blue grip. I'm going to right click and go to the shortcut menu and select move. Now you always, when it asks for a base point when you're modifying objects and geometry, you go to a point on the object. It's the point that you are moving from. So I'm going to come here, there's the end point snap, left click, make sure your object…
