From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using Mirror and Offset

Using Mirror and Offset

- [Lecturer] We're now going to take a look at the mirror and offset commands in our AutoCAD modification tools. Now, mirror and offset do not appear on the shortcut menu. So this time we're going to have to use the ribbon. But the nice thing is noun verb selection is on by default. So that means we can select our objects that we want to mirror or offset first and then go and do the mirror or the offset if we want to. Now sometimes that works, sometimes that doesn't. So just watch the workflows that I'm going to show you here with the mirror and offset commands. And then you can go off and test obviously those workflows and processes and make sure that you get used to them and build that muscle memory. 'Cause I can guarantee that mirror and offset will be used on a regular basis when you're working in AutoCAD. They are two of the most commonly used commands in AutoCAD so I can guarantee you'll be using them. So we've got our…
