From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using Hide and Isolate

Using Hide and Isolate

- [Instructor] Once again, we're staying in our ground floor plan REV5.dwg file. I'm going to zoom in on the restrooms in the floor plan over here. So get your cross here over the restrooms, roll up on the wheel a few notches like so so that you can clearly see the outline of the restrooms there. Now the restrooms have got their little sinks like so, their little basins their little cubicles and so on, but there's quite a lot of geometry around that and I might just only want to work in that particular space without all of these water closets and panels and cubicles, et cetera. Now what I can do is I can click here once and release the mouse button, drag a window selection around all of those cubicles like that and then left click again, so they're all selected now. What I can do is I can then right click, go to isolate and I can hide those objects so I can easily work on the walls, perhaps the doors and so on. Now, I…
