From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using Fillet and Chamfer

Using Fillet and Chamfer

- [Teacher] We're staying in our Office Layout_2 .DWG file. And you can see that I've zoomed to the extent of the visible drawn objects. In the previous video, we created our little hard standing over here using the "Hatch" tools and the "Boundary" tools. We're going to zoom in on these desks here. Our little reception area. So let's zoom in a little bit. I've zoomed in a lot because obviously I'm making sure that you can see all the detail. You don't have to zoom in as close as me, it's entirely up to you. But obviously to make sure that you can see the detail that you're working on, you kind of want to make sure that you're zoomed in at an optimum level to obviously be able to see what's going on. Now, we're going to utilize the "Fillet" and the "Chamfer" commands in this case. Now you'll notice these desks are made-up of a rectangle there and a rectangle there. Two polylines that are on the furniture layer. And…
