From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using Dynamic Input (DYNMODE)

Using Dynamic Input (DYNMODE) - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Using Dynamic Input (DYNMODE)

- [Instructor] Once again, we're staying in our interface dot DWG file. And what I want to take you through this time is something that relates to the command line that we talked about in the previous video, and that is dynamic input. Now, dynamic input is on by default in later versions of AutoCAD. But the problem is you don't know whether it's on or off because it's not actually displayed down on the status bar at the bottom right part of your AutoCAD application window. So let's go to the customization button here, these three little lines here. Click on that and you'll get a big long list of what is displayed on the status bar. And if you're using the default settings in AutoCAD you will notice that dynamic input there isn't ticked, it's not switched on. So just click on dynamic input little tick appears next to it. Come down to the three lines again. Click on the three lines again to close the customization menu.…
