From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using Draw Order to display hatches and gradients

Using Draw Order to display hatches and gradients - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Using Draw Order to display hatches and gradients

- [Instructor] We're staying in our metal plate underscore 001 dot DWG file. And in the previous video we placed our gradient fill and it kind of ended up on top of the hatch pattern that we'd placed previously. Now this is all to do with the draw order function within AutoCAD. At the moment, the gradient fill is at the front and the hatch pattern is at the back. And we need to obviously reverse that so that the hatch pattern is sitting on top of the gradient fill to give us an indication of what that section's actually doing. The hatching is showing the part of the plate that we've cut through the gradient fill is giving it a nice metallic color to make it look more realistic. So we need the hatch pattern there to kind of show where we've sliced through the metal plate. Now the reason I got you to switch off separate hatches earlier when we were placing the hatch pattern and the gradient fill is because when you hover over…
