From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using Divide and Measure

Using Divide and Measure

- [Instructor] We're going to take a look now at how we can work with the Divide and Measure tools in AutoCAD. Now, Divide and Measure are really useful tools in AutoCAD 'cause they allow you to divide an object into equal segments or measure along an object in basically measured segments where you know the distance. Now, what we're going to do is we're going to jump to our Layer drop-down here like so and we want to be using the Nodes layer as our current drafting layer first. Now, we're still in the same drawing, still in the Office Layout_2.dwg file. I've zoomed out a little bit because we're going to be dividing and measuring along this line and this line here. Now, we're going to look at dividing first. So we're going to zoom in on this little area here near the bin store. Those blue objects are the bins and that's the bin store and we're adding a little bit of landscaping along this line like a little sort of…
