From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using Break and Join

Using Break and Join

- [Instructor] We're sticking with our officelayout.DWG file. And as you can see we're starting to occupy the office layout quite nicely with the desks and the chairs and the plants. We've got our doorway here and we've got our new bin store as well. Now something that I have noticed there is if you hover over that arc that forms the door swing can you see it's on the wrong layer. Now sometimes you just need to tidy up a little bit. So select that arc and select that line there and then pop here to the layer dropdown. Select the layer doors, click on the word doors hit escape a couple of times and you put the door now on the appropriate doors layer sometimes you do need to make those little changes. Now another change with that door that's going to happen is somebody in their wisdom has decided they want that door to go from here all the way over to this side of the building. So you've got the bin store here and the…
