From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using boundaries

Using boundaries

- [Narrator] We're starting with a new drawing this time around. We're still modifying objects in AutoCAD but we've got a new drawing, and it's a new office layout that's been revamped a little bit. It's called Office Layout_2.dwg and you can download it from the library as usual. You'll notice it is similar to the office layout we have been using but it's just been tweaked a little bit. And there's extra bits like the bins have been added to the bin store. We've got some extra desks and we've got some extra little landscaped areas over here. Now the first thing we're going to look at in this particular drawing is a command in AutoCAD called Boundary. We're going to utilize some boundaries. So you'll notice we're on a layer here called Hard Standing. So make sure you are using the Hard Standing layer as your current drafting layer. And then we're going to zoom and pan over here to the right hand side of the building.…
