From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Using annotative scaling

Using annotative scaling

- [Instructor] We're staying in our GF 1031 Southeast Madison.dwg file and in the previous video we placed a couple of scaled view ports in our layout tab, our ISO A1 landscape layout tab. Now in the one to 100 view port here you'll notice the dimensions are appearing. Now that's because they're set to a known annotation scale. If I jump back to the model tab now, you'll notice here can you see the annotation scale is one to a hundred? So basically any dimensions, annotative dimensions, that I place, they will be a scale of one to 100 and they'll appear quite happily in the one to 100 view port. If I hover over one of these dimensions, select it, right click and go to properties, you can see there, look, it's using an annotative dimension style which is M for metric arrowheads millimeters. It is annotative and it's using one to 100. So that's great. Those overall dimensions appear quite nicely in the one to 100 view…
