From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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The shortcut menu

The shortcut menu

- We're staying in our ground floor plan revision three dot DWG file, and I want to take you through some of the really cool features that are available in the AutoCAD shortcut menu. Now, I call it the shortcut menu. It's also the right click menu. So when you right click on your mouse there's your shortcut menu. Now you'll notice I've right clicked. I've got no commands running, no objects selected. This is my default right click shortcut menu. So I can repeat the last command. I can go to input there, recent input so I can select a recent command that I may have used. I've got the clipboard where I can cut, copy and paste. Also can provide you with some really cool cut, copy and paste tools such as cut with base point and copy with base point. Now you'll notice the pastes are obviously grayed out because I haven't copied or cut anything onto the clipboard. But you'll notice I've got a regular paste I can paste as a…
