From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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The mouse and mouse settings

The mouse and mouse settings - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

The mouse and mouse settings

- [Instructor] Once again, we're staying in our 00groundfloorplan.dwg file. And I want to talk to you now about the mouse and mouse settings in AutoCAD. As I mentioned previously, the mouse and the keyboard when you're working with Windows and any Windows-based applications are human interface devices. They are the way that you as a human interface with your computer. You type, you move the mouse, you click, and so on. The mouse is fundamental to designing in AutoCAD. So for example, I'll move the mouse I'll go up to the home tab on the ribbon. That then allows me to go and find my draw tools there on the draw panel. There's modify, there's annotation. I can move around in the drawing, I can roll up and down on the wheel and zoom in and out. I'll double click on the wheel there just to make sure that we are zoomed to the extents of the visible drawn objects again. So see how everything kind of works together. Now one…
