From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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The command line

The command line

- We're staying in our interface.dwg file and what I want to show you this time about the AutoCAD interface is the command line. Now, the command line used to be the original way of inputting everything in older versions of AutoCAD. Way back when, 34 years ago, I started on AutoCAD for what was known then as MS-DOS, Microsoft DOS, disk operating system. And that was all we had, a command line. We didn't have a ribbon. We didn't have Windows back then. Windows came along during my working career, and was a complete game changer when it came to things like Auto-Cad. But the command line still exists, and Autodesk have kept the command line in AutoCAD, basically because it's such a fundamental part of AutoCAD. It's down here, at the bottom of the screen where it says type a command. So I can click there, type in say, the line command and I get a suggestion menu pop up, which is quite handy. So what it does there…
