From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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The AutoCAD 2024 user interface

The AutoCAD 2024 user interface - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

The AutoCAD 2024 user interface

- [Instructor] We're in an introductory drawing in this AutoCAD Essential Training Course and it's called Introduction.dwg. And as mentioned in the intro videos, you can download this particular file from the Library and use it to follow along with this particular video. Now, I'm just going to cover, just generally, the AutoCAD 2024 interface, this particular course is using the latest version of AutoCAD, which is AutoCAD 2024, so your interface, if you're using an older version of AutoCAD, may look a little bit different, so I'm just going to jump through it very quickly and very briefly. So up here you've got the Big Red A, if you click on that, that will open up the AutoCAD application menu. All Autodesk bits of software have an application menu with an icon top left like that, so when you click on it, it will open up the application menu. Just across from there, you have the quick access toolbar with various icons on…
