From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Sharing drawings with others from AutoCAD

Sharing drawings with others from AutoCAD - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Sharing drawings with others from AutoCAD

- [Instructor] We're staying in our GF 1031 Southeast Madison underscore cloud dot DWG file. Now I'm obviously using one of my cloud-based versions of this. It doesn't matter which version you use. It can be a desktop-based version, cloud-based version. I want to show you another really cool tool that is available to you to collaborate in your AutoCAD drawings. Now you'll notice this funny little blue paper plane, share. Now it's on the quick access toolbar. It's also on the collaborate tab. There you go, share drawing. Now if I click on it what you'll find is it allows me to share a link to the drawing. Give it a few seconds to load up the dialogue there so I can send a view only version of the drawing or an edit and save a copy version. So that means anybody with a link can edit and save, view only, anyone with a link can view the drawing. You'll notice it has the URL. So basically when you share a link…
