From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Setting Options

Setting Options

- [Narrator] We're staying in our 'Units and Options.dwg' file. And we're going to take a look now at how quick and easy it is to set all your different options in AutoCAD as well. Now, the drawing itself is kind of superfluous at the moment. We're just kind of making sure that we've got a drawing open in AutoCAD so that all the tools are available and not grayed out in any way. And sometimes you'll find if you haven't got a drawing open and you're in AutoCAD, obviously your scope of doing things is very limited. So the drawing itself is kind of superfluous to what we're doing. But, there are some settings that you can set in your options that allow you to work with your drawings, and that's what's really important here. Now, the quickest way when you've got a drawing open to get to your options in AutoCAD, is literally just a right click once on the mouse. No command selected, no object selected, just right click…
