From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Saving and restoring views

Saving and restoring views - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Saving and restoring views

- We're staying in our 00-Ground Floor Plan.dwg file. And what I want to take you through now is a really clever tool that allows you to navigate your larger drawings and it's known as "Named Views." Now we are in the 00-Ground Floor Plan.dwg file and I want to make sure that you stay in the "Model" tab for this one. They are normally set up in the model space in the "Model" tab. And what they do is they allow you to jump from named view to named view in your drawing. Now we're going to create two named views in this particular drawing. The restrooms are here. We're going to create a view so that we can zoom straight to the restrooms and work on the design work for the restrooms. We're also going to zoom in on this larger conference room here, so we'll just call it "Large Conference Room" or something similar. Now, depending on your version of AutoCAD you can get to these views quickly and easily. There's two…
