From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Saving and opening to and from the AutoCAD web and mobile folders

Saving and opening to and from the AutoCAD web and mobile folders - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Saving and opening to and from the AutoCAD web and mobile folders

- [Instructor] We're staying in our GF 1031 Southeast Madison underscore Cloud dot DWG file. Now, in the previous video I talked about how you could save this cloud-based file to different places in the cloud. So I saved it to my Microsoft OneDrive and I also saved it to my AutoCAD web and mobile folders. Now I'm going to obviously open up the file now that is from my AutoCAD web and mobile folders. Now obviously, based on my naming philosophy there it could be that I'm opening this or saving it from any particular location. Don't be fooled. I am definitely going to open up the web and mobile based version of the drawing. I've saved it there, so I should be able to open it from my AutoCAD web and mobile folders and that's the one we're going to be working on. So don't worry about the one on OneDrive. It's going to be the AutoCAD web and mobile folders version of the drawing. Now, the way that I can check that is I can…
