From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Redefining block definitions in a drawing

Redefining block definitions in a drawing - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Redefining block definitions in a drawing

- We're staying in our new office project .dwg file. And you can see we're still zoomed in where we created the workstation block here. I'd like you to just double click on the wheel to zoom extends. Now over here you'll see that we've got all our original objects, our original blocks. Now the good thing is, is if I select these, let's say I just click there, release the mouse button, drag a little crossing selection up past the plant, click again, it selects all of those objects that form that workstation. I can then just right click and erase those. I don't need to worry about losing the blocks because they still exist in the drawing database. If I go up here to insert in the block panel on the insert tab, you can see it. They're all still there. There's my plant, my PC. If I scroll up, you see we've got things like chair and desk and so on. Got my title blocks in there and my workstation block. I'll just hit escape a…
