From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Points and donuts

Points and donuts

- [Instructor] We're staying in our ground floor plan. Rev2.DWG file. And we're going to take a look now at using the point command in AutoCAD and also the donut command in AutoCAD. Now I don't want to disappoint you. The donuts in AutoCAD are not edible. They are a geometric shape. So hopefully you didn't get too excited and order coffee in to have with your donuts. Now we'll cover donuts in a moment. What we're going to look at first is the point tool available in AutoCAD. Now I've left the drawing in the same state. It was at the end of the last video where we created the two tables using a rectangle and a polygon. So I'm just going to do a little bit of zooming and panning. I'm then going to select my octagonal table. Now you'll notice there's lots of grips there. Obviously there are all the vertices and so on, just with it selected right click and you want to go to move on the shortcut menu, click on move, pick a point…
