From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Plotting from the Model and Layout tabs

Plotting from the Model and Layout tabs - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Plotting from the Model and Layout tabs

- We're starting a new chapter now and I'm basically calling this chapter Creating Output. Now, in the previous chapter, we covered setting up things ready to plot and communicate our design intent and create output that way. I just want to take it to another level with the creating output here because obviously there's ways and means of creating different types of output. So we've got a new drawing for you. It's called GF-1031 SE Madison_REV1.dwg And you can kind of think that, oh this might be the next revision of that drawing I was working on in the previous chapter, for example. Now obviously it looks slightly different. The view port's different in the layout tab there. And if we go to the model tab you can see everything set up in a very similar fashion. There's a few extra dimensions here and there. Now the ISO A1 landscape layout tab is all set up with the view port ready to go. There's our view port, and that's…
