From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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New tab tools in AutoCAD 2024

New tab tools in AutoCAD 2024 - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

New tab tools in AutoCAD 2024

- [Instructor] Once again, we're staying in our Interface.DWG file. And as I mentioned at the beginning of this course, we're using the latest version of AutoCAD, which is AutoCAD 2024. Now, there's some really nice, new tab tools available in AutoCAD 2024, be aware of that. They're only available in AutoCAD 2024, not in previous versions of AutoCAD, so just be aware of that. They are AutoCAD 2024-specific. Now these tab tools are available in the AutoCAD interface where the file tabs are up here, see the little three lines there? If I click there, there's one of the tab tools there. So I can go to the Start tab or the Interface drawing or any drawing that I'm actually using in AutoCAD at that given time. So any file tab along here at the top, I can get into it there. I can generate a new drawing, I can open a drawing, I can save all the drawings at any given time, that's really useful, and I can close all of…
