From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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New layers and the layer drop-down menu

New layers and the layer drop-down menu - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

New layers and the layer drop-down menu

- [Instructor] We're staying in our Ground Floor Plan REV5.dwg file. I want to take you through using layers in AutoCAD. So we're going to talk about the Layer Properties Manager and the Layer dropdown in this particular video. And it's a bit of a show-and-tell. I just want to explain the differences and how it all works. Now obviously looking at the drawing you can distinguish the grid lines. You can distinguish the dimensions, the doors, the stairs, the tables, the landscaped area that we created, and our bike bays, and our external tables here. All of it is on its own separate layer to distinguish one object from the other. Now, if you go to the Home tab on the ribbon and go to the Layers panel here, you've got two tools that are incredibly useful and more importantly totally fundamental to the operation of AutoCAD. The first one is the Layer Properties Manager here. And that'll open up in a big pallet like this. And…
