From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Lines, arcs, and circles

Lines, arcs, and circles

- [Instructor] We're staying in our Ground Floor Plan .DWG file and I've left it at the same state as it was at the end of the last video. What we're going to do now is zoom extend. So it's a double click on your mouse wheel button like so so that you can see all of the floor plan. Now we're going to start looking at creating geometry in the drawing so that we can start adding to the design of our floor plan. So we're going to utilize the Line command first. We're going to look at lines, circles and arcs in this particular video. So we're going to zoom out like we've just done, go to the Layer dropdown in the Layers panel, and it's always a good idea to utilize your layers and be on the layer that you need to draft on as soon as you start drafting. So we're looking for this layer here, L9110_M_SITE. We're looking at the site layer. So click on the name of the layer. That makes it the current drafting layer. So now you…
