From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Further AutoCAD courses in the library

Further AutoCAD courses in the library - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Further AutoCAD courses in the library

- [Instructor] There are further courses available in the library regarding AutoCAD. So the prerequisite courses, ideally, that you should take before you look for these other courses are the Learning AutoCAD course and this course, the AutoCAD Essential Training. These are prerequisite courses that you really should take before you go and find those further AutoCAD courses. AutoCAD has seven specialized toolsets, including Electrical, Mechanical, and Architecture, and some of these particular toolsets are covered in other courses in the library. But you do need to make sure that you've done Learning AutoCAD and AutoCAD Essential Training first so that you know all the basics of AutoCAD, and then you can jump into the toolset courses. Do those prerequisite courses first. It'll save a lot of aggravation in the future. Don't jump into AutoCAD Electrical Toolset first because you won't have the base AutoCAD knowledge needed…
