From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Freezing viewport layers

Freezing viewport layers

- We're staying in the New Metal Plate dot DWG file and you've noticed that I've gone back to the model tab, like so. So we're back in the model tab. Everything's all looking good. You can see we've got our section view our side view, our plan view, all our dimension and text annotation is there on the drawing as well. Now there's a lovely feature when you are working with view ports in AutoCAD. So let's jump to that plan view layout tab, again, like so. Now you remember in the previous video we locked our view port, didn't we? So I'm going to select the view port. I'm going to come down to the little blue pad lock and unlock the view port. Hit escape a couple of times just to deselect the view port. Now the view port is unlocked, so don't zoom and don't pan. Otherwise, you'll mess up the view and the scale of your view port. But, move into the view port boundary and double click. Now the reason I've got you to activate…
