From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Enhanced Attribute Editor

Enhanced Attribute Editor

- [Speaker] We're staying in our office workstation.dwg file and I've left it in the same state as it was at the end of the last video. So this is my block with my attributes. When I click on it, you can see it's highlighted there in blue. Now, there are other ways of editing the attributes in an existing block in an existing drawing. Now, I don't have to bring in another block and change the attribute values. I can simply hover over the block and double click. AutoCAD then knows what's going on. It's kind of thought it out and thought, oh, okay, you've double clicked on a block with attributes. I'll open up the enhanced attribute editor. Now, this is a really lovely little tool in AutoCAD and it's very, very underused and very, very underrated, as well. I love it because it allows me to tweak my attributes in my drawings quickly and easily. And the nice thing is as well, I've got the option there. I can go and select a…
