From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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- Another very useful drafting tool in AutoCAD is the ellipse command. Now we've got a new drawing for this particular video. It's called cylinder.dwg. You can download it from the library to follow along with this particular video. So what we're going to do we're going to utilize the ellipse command to create an isometric view of a 3D cylinder. Now, bear in mind we're not 3D modeling here. This is a 2D drawing and it's an isometric view of something 3D. So it's a 2D representation of a 3D object, if you get my meaning. So in the cylinder.dwg file, when you open it up and go to the model tab, you've got these two vertical lines on the objects layer. There's the objects layer. So make sure that you are on the objects layer so that anything you draw will go onto that layer. We're then going to pop over to the draw panel here on the home tab on the ribbon and the ellipse command is here. Click on the little flyout…
