From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Editing XREFs in place

Editing XREFs in place

- [Instructor] Once again, we're staying in the host drawing, the New Office Proposal.dwg file, and you can see the Xref here on the right hand side of the building in the floor plan. I'm going to click on the Xref again, which is our Landscaping Area.dwg file, and the External Reference tab here on the ribbon kicks in and we're going to go to the Edit panel and select Edit Reference In Place. Now what you'll get is a little dialogue box pop up, and this is our reference edit. Now the reference name is Landscaping Area. It's the only Xref attached to the New Office Proposal.dwg file. So, we can automatically select all nested objects or we can prompt to select nested objects. Just leave it set to automatic, click on OK, and now it's letting you know, this is quite clever actually, I like this, it's letting you know that the Xref selected references a previous release drawing file format. That's the 2013 DWG file format.…
