From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Editing polylines and splines

Editing polylines and splines - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Editing polylines and splines

- We're staying in our "OfficeLayout_2.dwg" file. And we're going to take a look now at editing polylines and also splines. Now a polyline we know about already. That's things like our rectangles that we've worked on and some of these desks and things that we've created in this drawing are also polylines. Splines, on the other hand, are irregular curves using the non-uniform rational B-spline algorithm. Now, non-uniform rational B-spline is shortened to NURBS. So if you hear anybody talking about NURBS, you know that NURBS relates to splines. We'll look at splines in a moment. Let's look at editing some polylines first. We're going to zoom in on these two desks here, the little sort of reception area like so. Get yourself a little bit of sort of clarification there by zooming in nice and tight like that. And you can see that this desk here is a polyline. This desk here is also a polyline. We're going to explode both of those…
