From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Drawings using Imperial units

Drawings using Imperial units - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Drawings using Imperial units

- [Lecturer] We're in a different drawing this time round. It's called Units-IMPERIAL.dwg. And as usual you can download it from the library to follow along with this particular video. Now, the previous video I gave you a heads up on how to work out whether you were in a metric drawing. Now the dead giveaway in this drawing is obviously the name of the drawing, Units-IMPERIAL. Right? But, you'll notice as well look at the dimensions between the grid lines. They are all in feet and inches. So that's a bit of a dead giveaway. But sometimes the unit settings might be set to decimal and the dimension style is displaying in feet and inches. It happens. So just be aware of that. So what we'll do this time is we'll zoom in on the same area where the door openings were. So you'll notice there's a bit of text here and there, and things like that. You'll also notice there's some measurements there. Can you see 74 SF?…
