From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Creating and using arrays

Creating and using arrays

- [Teacher] Once again, we're staying in our office layout, _3.dwg. And in this video we're going to take a quick look at the array tool in AutoCAD. The best way to describe the array tool in AutoCAD is, it's a copy command that is highly enhanced and does lots of different things. It allows you to put lots of different variables in, but also work with different methods of copying. The three types of arrays are rectangular, polar and path, and we're going to cover each one, and we're going to work with the landscaping here above the office. So in the previous video, we used Trim and Extend to set up our nice decking area. We're now going to work with the planting, utilizing the array tools in AutoCAD. So we're going to zoom in a little, and I'm just going to zoom and pan a little so that I can see just above the office. There's the office at the bottom of the screen, but I've also got a bit of scope to see what's going…
