From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Changing the line type scale

Changing the line type scale - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Changing the line type scale

- We're staying in our ground floor plan, REV5.DWG And we're going to take a look at the LT scale in an AutoCAD drawing, the line type scale what I'd like you to do is zoom in on the top right corner. Now if you zoom in, you can see that the grid lines do have a dashed line type but if you hover over them can you see there that it's using an individual line type? It's not using the bilayer setting for the grid lines. So I'm going to double click again on the wheel to zoom extents. I'm going to click on one of the grid lines like that and then I'm going to right click and I'm going to use select similar. And can you see that selects all the other similar grid lines. So if I now right click and go to properties on the shortcut menu there's all the properties of my 12 grid lines. Now ideally what I want to do is change my line type here to bilayer. Now I can do that cause I've got all 12 of them selected. So I'm going…
