From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Breaking and spacing dimensions

Breaking and spacing dimensions - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Breaking and spacing dimensions

- [Presenter] We're staying in our ground floor plan and we're going to zoom in on this little sort of bottom left area here where there's some dimensions. So get the crosshair roughly there, roll up on the wheel a couple of notches so that you can see what's going on with that bottom left corner of the building. You might need to pan a little as well. Now in this particular video, we're going take a look at the dimension break and dimension space commands. And it's always a good idea to work from the annotate tab for this because dimension break is right there, and dimension space is right there. They're known as dimbrake, dimspace. Dimspace is also known as adjust space. That's the terminology for it. But the commands, if you type them are dimbrake and dimspace. Now we're going to utilize dimspace first. You'll notice we've got a 6420 dimension, a 7501 dimension, and a 14701 dimension. And then not that evenly spaced,…
