From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Batch Plotting (PUBLISH)

Batch Plotting (PUBLISH)

- [Instructor] We're staying in our GF-1031southeastmadisonrev1.DWG file. And we're going to take a little look now at batch plotting in AutoCAD. When you've got more than one layout tab, you can batch plot all of the layout tabs in one go. Now, the best way to access your batch plot or publish command is on the output tab here on the ribbon. There's batch plot there. If I hover over it, you can see it says publish and you can batch plot to different file types. Now, those different file types are incredibly useful and you can batch plot to them at any time. Notice as well, you've got exports to DWF and PDF here on this panel, which means you can override your regular plot settings to plot to different file types as well if you need to. I suggest you have a little go and explore this panel, a later date after you've been through this particular course. It's useful because you can quickly plot a layout and override your…
