From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Automatic dimensioning

Automatic dimensioning

- [Instructor] We're staying in our ground floor plan.dwg file. And did you know there's a tool in AutoCAD that automatically dimensions your drawings for you? It's this one here, on the dimensions panel in the annotate tab on the ribbon. And it's this one here, dimension, with the little sun symbol and the dimension above it. Now the good thing is I can be working in the home tab as well. And it's also here on the annotation panel as well. So there's dimension there. Just be careful though, if you're working here, in the annotation panel on the home tab, on the ribbon, make sure your current drafting layer is set to your dimensioning layer. If you're working in the annotate tab, you can cheat and use dim layer override and set it to dimensions so it's automatically using the dimensions layer. I tend to work from the annotate tab when I'm dimensioning anyway. Just gives me a bit more control over everything that I need.…
