From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Attaching XREFs

Attaching XREFs

- We're starting a new chapter now, and we're going to take a look at a thing called External References. More commonly known as Xrefs in the AutoCAD Fraternity. Now, an Xref is another drawing that is in essence paper clipped to your existing drawing. So you'll notice we've got a new drawing for you at the moment. It's called New Office Proposal.dwg and you can download that from the library, to follow along with the next few videos. You'll also notice I've got another drawing open as well called the Landscaping Area. Also, open that drawing after you've downloaded it from the library as well. And then in the file tabs, make sure that New Office Proposal is your current drawing. So, New Office Proposal.dwg becomes the host drawing, and we're going to xref in, the Landscaping Area as an External reference file. Now you want to make sure that all of your external references go on their own layer. So in this particular…
