From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Altering and clipping XREFs

Altering and clipping XREFs - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Altering and clipping XREFs

- [Instructor] We're staying in our newofficeproposal.dwg file. And make sure you are in that particular file, and not the Landscaping Area file. You can leave the Landscaping Area file open. That's absolutely fine, but make sure that your current drawing is New Office Proposal like so. Now, what we're going to take a look at is altering and clipping our external reference file. Now, let's have a look at altering the file first. Now, altering the file would normally mean that you open up the landscaping area drawing. Now, I've already got that open. So altering the file is actually really easy. I can just jump in here, landscaping area, and I can alter it accordingly, and save the changes. So what I'll do is I'll click on the hatch pattern, and I'll just hit the delete key, and I'll delete that like so, and then I'll save that drawing. So I'll just save it like that, okay? And then what I'll do is I'll jump back…
