From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Aligning text

Aligning text

- In the last video of this particular chapter we've got a different drawing for you. It's called Ground Floor Plan Rev 4 dot dwg. So make sure you download the right drawing from the library to follow along with this particular video. Once you've got the drawing open and you're in the model tab, just jump into the layer drop down here in the layers panel in the home tab. Make sure you're using the A 0 1 0 H room layer and that's the layer for the room numbering in this particular drawing. And then we're going to zoom in on this little area here. You can see there's two little conference rooms and you can see we've got EL five, EL four. You want to be looking at conference room EL four, here like so. Now you can see we've got some single line text here in our little box there. Now I take that back. It looks like single line text, doesn't it? If you hover over it though it'll tell you exactly what text it is and you'll…
