From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Adding new scaled viewports

Adding new scaled viewports - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Adding new scaled viewports

- [Instructor] Once again, we're staying in our GF-1031 Southeast Madison.dwg file and I've left us in our layout tab, our ISO A1 landscape layout tab. And we set up the page set up in the previous video so now we're ready for some scaled view ports. Just before we do that though, you'll remember in the model tab, we created our title block and I'm going to zoom out now and just give you an idea of how big the actual ground floor plan is. There's the ground floor plan. If we zoom in there, there's the title block. Now we don't need that title block anymore so I'm just going to click there, release the mouse button, drag, click again, select the objects that form the title block, right click and erase. We don't need that anymore because obviously it's now in the layout tab. The ISO A1 landscape layout tab. I'll just double click on the wheel to zoom extents in the model tab. Good CAD etiquette to remember.…
