From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Adding fields to a table

Adding fields to a table

- [Presenter] Once again, we're staying in our simple objects dot DWG file. And as I mentioned in the previous video, we're now going to start looking at how we can bring actual information from the drawing, from the geometry, into the cells in our table. Now we've got the rectangle there, the circle, and the hexagon, and we need to add an area into each cell. So there's the rectangle, go over to the cell that represents it's area and double click. So that cell is now ready to have information put into it. Now we can utilize a thing called a field in AutoCAD. In the text editor up on the ribbon, you'll see it in the insert panel, there's field there. You can also right click over the current cell, and insert field on the shortcut menu. It has the same effect. Now, you'll notice when I click on field, it opens up the field dialogue, and there's a lot of stuff going on in here. There's lots of different fields for…
