From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Adding dimensions to your drawings

Adding dimensions to your drawings - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Adding dimensions to your drawings

- We're staying in our metal plate 002.DWG file. And in the previous video we set up our dimension style. So what we need to do now is make sure that we are using the current dimension style and also the appropriate layer to put our dimensions on. Now I always use the annotate tab on the ribbon for this, because in the dimensions panel, I've got a higher degree of control of all of my dimensional tools. So, training ANNO is my current dimension style. And notice the little blue symbol that makes it annotative. Also dim and override. I can control that there. Make sure you select dimensions so that the majority of your dimensions go on the dimensions layer that way, 'cause it automatically puts them on the dimensions layer. Now something else that we do need to set, remember our dimension style is a annotative dimension style. So go to your plan view for a moment here, your layout tab, and just hover over this view port. If…
