From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

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Adding a table to your drawing

Adding a table to your drawing - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2024 Essential Training

Adding a table to your drawing

- [Instructor] We're going to place a simple table now in our metal plate 002.DWG file. We're still in the same drawing, and ideally, you want to zoom into an area in between the Plan View, and the Section View, and the Side View, so about here. And then we're going to basically create a simple table that basically lists our Hole Types in our drawing. So in order to do that, my suggestion is that you go to the Home tab on the ribbon, go to the Layer dropdown, and we need a Tables layer, we don't have one right now, so we click on Layer Properties here, click on it once to lose the dropdown menu, click on it again to open Layer Properties. Click on your New Layer icon here, and this will just be a layer called Tables, like so, and you want to make sure that you set the appropriate colors and line types. So there's the Tables layer, click here on the color, it's going to be red, this index color one here, click on OK.…
