From the course: Artist at Work: Complementary Colors

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Finishing touches

Finishing touches

Complimentary colors in an image tend to fight with each other if they are sitting next to each other. They are sort of like two kids. If you have two children, they both want your attention at the same time. One tries to shout over the other and you can't hear either one of them because they are both sort of equally vibrant, equally loud. Calling upon you to get your attention. So one of them has to be a little quieter for you to hear the other. In this case I want the green to be the dominant voice. And I want the red to sit back just a little bit. So I'm going to think about, how would I neutralize that red so it's not quite so loud? But I want it to relate to everything else that's there and I've used this blue in the white to sort of. Make a blue green color that relates to the rest. Is in opposite of the ground, but isn't as loud as vibrant as the other green. I'm going to try to make a darker tone so it's value-ized a little darker then green apple. And also is a purple that…
