From the course: ArcGIS Pro Essential Training

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Exporting data

Exporting data

- [Narrator] Sometimes you need to share your data with other departments or applications or organizations and they may not have access to your data set. Your data set may be on your own computer, or on the network that they don't have access to. So the easiest way to share that would be to export it and give them the files, maybe email or something like that. Well, how do you get the files out that they need? So let's look at that now. If I have this NANAIMO Geo database and I want to give someone the parcels out of that I don't want to give them the building, it's just the parcels. I could right click on that and I can export that data. So I can go export and I could say to CAD or to a feature class. In this case, I'm going to go feature class to Shapefile. If I want to export multiple Shapefiles, I can go feature classes, the Shapefiles, but I'm only doing the parcels. So I'll go feature class to Shapefile and I'll just…
