From the course: Animate CC: Storyboarding

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Crowd scene

Crowd scene

- [Instructor] Now one problem I had when I had this shot was it looks kind of lonely. Like there's only one man in the city. So oftentimes you'll want to populate a scene with, you know, some generic background characters. So let's see how you can do that, without hopefully blowing a gasket. So if we go into our existing scene, and we have our sky, our city. We have our hero. So let's make a new layer. Now I have already animated a very simple, generic crowd character. Now using the same techniques we've covered already. So if I go into this figure, look at that. Two poses, that's all. So if we put him on the outer timeline, go to properties, make sure that he is set to loop as we play that scene, we get a nice little silly running action. That is sufficient for our purposes for this level of work. So let's click on that, and we'll just call him, you know, call him one. Call him man one. Call him anything you like, as long as you know he's like a crowd C1. So, let's place him where…
