From the course: Amplify Your Critical Thinking with Generative AI

Using the PIQPACC critical thinking framework with generative AI

From the course: Amplify Your Critical Thinking with Generative AI

Using the PIQPACC critical thinking framework with generative AI

- From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep, we're navigating a dense, overgrown jungle of ideas and information and voices, all competing to influence our choices and beliefs. For over 2,500 years, critical thinking has been our best way to cut through the dense jungle of information and reveal the path toward reliable, relevant, and valid evidence. But it's neither our default way of thinking, nor is it a way of thinking that smart people just automatically know. It's a learned skill, and while everyone can learn to think critically, there are even several excellent LinkedIn Learning courses to learn from, it can be hard to remember the nuanced parts of it, especially while trying to make sense of the massive amounts of information. We're smart but we're overwhelmed. That's why I promised you this framework, because I know how helpful it is to have an operating manual for critical thinking, especially one that's portable. You can carry it around in your brain. Enter PIQPACC, a timeless framework designed to pick apart your thinking and rigorously assess information through the lens of critical thinking. PIQPACC empowers you with the essential critical thinking elements and associated questions, so you can use it with Gen AI to help you validate the accuracy of information and test different assumptions and simulate different perspectives, and check whether your evidence supports your conclusions. PIQPACC is an acronym, and here's what it stands for. P, purpose, so you can stay laser focused on achieving your objectives and to determine what you want from Gen AI as your thinking partner, and what you don't want. I, information, so you can engage Gen AI to assess the quality of information that you use to make decisions. Q, questions. I'm excited to share how Gen AI can help you empower your questions to capture insights that might otherwise be missed. P, perspectives. I particularly appreciate how Gen AI can take the guesswork out of considering other perspectives. A, assumptions. Gen AI can not only help you identify assumptions in your thinking, it can help you poke and probe at those assumptions so you can know which ones hold up to scrutiny. C, concepts. So much miscommunication and so many bad decisions are a result of mushy concepts. You're going to use Gen AI to make sure concepts are crisp and clear before sending messages out into the world. C, can rely on your conclusions. You'll learn how to use Gen AI in specific ways to help you distinguish between conclusions that are opinion-based, truth-based, and fact-based. And that's it. Those are your seven critical thinking elements, PIQPACC. In the coming videos, we'll dive deep into each of these elements with specific actions you can take to use PIQPACC as your tool to pick apart your thinking using Gen AI.
