From the course: Amplify Your Critical Thinking with Generative AI

Choose three ways others can use critical thinking with generative AI

From the course: Amplify Your Critical Thinking with Generative AI

Choose three ways others can use critical thinking with generative AI

- Congratulations. I'm glad you made it to the end of this course because the world needs more critical thinkers like you. But with great thinking, power comes great responsibility. So here's an ask. Can you please help spread critical thinking? I know it's not a simple request, but it's easier than it was before you had Gen AI to help. Why the ask? Because critical thinking isn't just about lighting up a few of our own brain bulbs. It's about kicking off a domino effect that flips casual thinkers into illuminated intellects. The goal of sharing is to set off a chain reaction that levels up our world. One switched on critical thinker at a time. So here are ways, one easy, one challenging, one moderate, and one demanding that you can help with this chain reaction. One, easy, share and tell. Share your favorite video from this course with someone specific who you think will appreciate the content. Some people are more into critical thinking than others. Focus on them. Two, challenging. Educate and engage. Teach one young person to be a digital detective. Dive into the difference between being a skeptic, a cynic, and an idealist, and how gen AI can be their ally, but only when armed with critical thinking. If they're not sure exactly what critical thinking is, take an extra 23 minutes to share Pickpack. Three, moderate, converse and convey. Write a post about a new Gen AI capability. There are new ones all the time, and how the Pickpack framework enhances the use of this new tool. And if you're really ambitious, four, demanding, advocate and activate. Host a good thinker salon where you and your peers debate major topics in your field with the aid of the Pickpack framework, Gen AI and open minds. This involves not just sharing information, but facilitating deep critical discussion and possibly influencing thought in your professional circle. I hope you find pleasure and power using critical thinking with Gen AI to navigate the complexities of our world. If you have any questions or need help with this mission, please connect on LinkedIn or reach out to us at Applied Curiosity Lab. And if you choose to pass this torch of knowledge to others, know that with each mind you light it up, you're not just spreading insight, you're reinforcing a collective wisdom that elevates us all.
