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Effective critical thinking

Effective critical thinking

Effective critical thinking is one of the most important skills you can learn for things like cloud computing, technology management. And the reason why is that there are many choices that you can make, and the only way to solve between one choice and another is to use critical thinking. There's a great book from MIT author Jonathan Haber that talks about critical thinking, and he discusses in this book some of the aspects of critical thinking that have been enumerated via a nonprofit group that studies critical thinking. And let's talk through some of those aspects. First, there's intellectual humility. What this means is that you have the ability to realize that you're not always right, and that many times you could have a blind spot or some kind of a bias, and that you're constantly looking out for when you are wrong. And this is a trait of critical thinking that's often missing. And you can see this probably in your own workplace. Another aspect of critical thinking is courage. So…
